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A seemingly happy young woman stands on the verge of success in her life and chosen career. Out of nowhere, apprehension appears like an unwelcome stranger.


Fleeting at first, it begins to follow her wherever she goes, becoming increasingly familiar until intensity reaches crisis point and what is now raging anxiety becomes full blown panic attacks. 


Crushed, lungs imploding, mind exploding, it's as though she's another person – a fractured consciousness, existing from crisis to crisis, never knowing when the next attack will occur. Unable to cope, she reaches out, but when help does not come she is forced to ask, how can she survive?  


To answer that question she must go on a journey for which there is no map, a psychological terrain she has never explored before. Will fate force her to go there alone or can she find a guide to help her?


Not withstanding, the journey must be made, but what of its conclusion? She is told there will be an encounter at journeys end, but with who or what? With her future at stake, will she find success or failure?

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